Tristesse Globale

There are good reasons to buy music and there are bad reasons. Good reasons include liking the band, liking songs you've heard on the radio or elsewhere, a recommendation from someone who's taste you trust. Bad reasons include liking song titles, liking the cover art, or liking where the band is from. I bought The Understanding for a bad reason.
Röyksopp is a duo that hails from Tromso, Norway. A little ways to the west of Tromso, just off the coast, is the island of Senja, the birthplace of my great-great-grandfather and origin of my family name (he adapted a family name after moving to North America because he was sick of getting another Mr. Pedersen's mail, or so the story goes) We'll point this out on a handy dandy map. Thanks, Google Earth!

Electronica is not my cup of tea though. The album itself has several high points, particularly "What Else Is There?" This is one of those albums I enjoy more if I don't listen to it too closely. It might be good for the next family reunion.